In one corner of the internet, self-proclaimed ‘degen’ cryptocurrency traders propel meme-based tokens like dogecoin
to eye-watering valuations in the billions — nearly $9 billion in the case of doge.

For comparison, the United Nations is struggling to fund its plan to solve world hunger, which would require an estimated $6.6 billion — 27% less than dogecoin’s current market capitalization. Imagine a world where, instead of dogecoin, blockchain technology was used to fund the end of world hunger. Now a group of crypto organizations are banding together to build it — they’re tired of crypto’s ‘degenerative’ behavior and ready to usher in a new, ‘regenerative’ future.

Crypto’s Coordination Failure

The irony of crypto’s philanthropic initiatives is that they exist to counteract the force that condemns them to obscurity: coordination failure.

Public Goods, like public health or the preservation of our environment, are often subject to coordination failure. Coordination failure occurs when a group could achieve a desirable outcome — clean air or fresh water — but fails to because they’re unable to coordinate decision making. Blockchains are built to prevent coordination failures — no one actor or block in a chain might overpower the whole, each block must be validated by the next.

Yet in crypto, a group of bad actors including Sam Bankman-Fried, Do Kwon, and Three Arrows Capital have overpowered the reputation of the whole industry. While the media gravitates to multi-billion dollar thefts, a group of crypto-native organizations build for the greater good.

Crypto And Philanthropy

The Public Goods Alliance, including industry heavyweights like Protocol Labs and Giveth, is one example of a philanthropic initiative that aims to fix the blockchain industry’s brand image problem – in this case by pledging transaction fees to public goods funding.

Another, the Celo Climate Collective, underlies a mobile-first blockchain and promises up to 40 percent — $340 million at the time — of its stablecoin be invested in rainforests to prevent deforestation. Simultaneously, Gitcoin, a philanthropy-focused blockchain and DAO, partners with the UN’s Children’s Fund in an effort to combat world hunger — and crypto giants Uniswap and Coinbase set up their own grants foundations and pledge millions to public goods funding. In an original interview, Gitcoin cofounder Kyle Weiss told me that crypto’s connection to charitable giving is that it helps donors who “are looking for ways to allocate capital that are legitimate, low barrier to entry, and don’t require massive amounts of due diligence.”

“We offer that,” Gitcoin’s Weiss says of his organization and the crypto industry. “Anyone can use PGN [Gitcoin’s blockchain] and anyone can audit transactions onchain” – no trust needed.

Donations made by philanthropy-focused crypto organizations like Gitcoin, Celo, or Giveth are traceable ‘onchain’, and devoid of middlemen that eat away at total contributions. For a starving child or a suspicious donor, this difference matters.

Is This Enough To Salvage Crypto’s Reputation?

Gitcoin’s Kyle Weiss is quick to qualify: “We’ve been fortunate in allocating nearly $75 million dollars towards public goods — but when you think about the losses that have been incurred through FTX, Three Arrows Capital and others,” he trails off, “I wish we had the billions of dollars in impact to counteract these stories. We’re just not there yet.”

Even the contributions of Celo, Coinbase, and others — in the hundreds of millions — are a drop in the bucket compared to the tens of billions in fraud orchestrated by the Three Arrow Capitals of the world.

‘Degen’ Vs. ‘Regen’

While Gitcoin’s Kyle Weiss describes the advantages of investing in the ‘regenerative’ vs. ‘degenerative’ side of crypto, Nikhil Raghuveera, head of strategy and innovation at Celo, tells Forbes that both ‘degen’ and ‘regen’ dynamics can coexist.

“I think they can go hand in hand” Raghuveera says, “The way we see blockchain is different than some ‘financialization of everything’. You can’t have ‘degen’ behavior be the focus, but you can use it to support some greater cause.”

Why Funding Public Goods Is Crucial Right Now

According to Celo’s Nikhil Raghuveera, and validated by publicly available block explorer data, philanthropic blockchain applications are experiencing engagement like never before:

Raghuveera shares that Good Dollar, a decentralized application to deliver universal basic income to individuals in need — just surpassed 150,000 monthly active users. Another project, an employer-based stablecoin created by Mercy Corps Ventures, hit 500,000 monthly active users to support microloans in Kenya and elsewhere.

Crypto is consistently critiqued for having ‘no real-world use cases’ — but 500,000 microloan recipients and 150,000 basic income beneficiaries might argue otherwise.

Using Crypto For Public Goods Funding Today

Gitcoin, Celo, Giveth and other philanthropic players are trying to pave a path to redemption that’s been muddied by bad actors and fraudsters. Bankman-Fried and Kwon aside, this batch of companies envision a world where blockchain offers not just fair and decentralized finance — but ‘regenerative’ outcomes, too.

In 2024, our world will still be starving — for food, funding, and ingenuity to solve massive coordination problems like ending world hunger.

In Weiss’s words “What success would look like is a flourishing ecosystem of decentralized apps, protocols, communities, DAOs, maybe even native tokens, that are all using PGNs [public goods networks] to coordinate and interact, such that any interaction they have onchain — degen or otherwise — returns to funding collective public goods.”

It may not be the end of world hunger just yet, but it’s a start.
